This year we “sold” 146 tickets! A huge increase on last year, and all thanks to you, our supporters and friends, for spreading the message and taking part. We understand that not all of you could make it, you can check all the videos on our YouTube channel here . Including interviews to Prof Andreas Chatzidakis (Royal
Holloway University of London), Dr Vera Hoelscher (Royal Holloway University of London), Rob Harrison (co-founder of Ethical Consumer), Dr Katia Balabanova (University of Liverpool), Dr Helen Holmes (University of Manchester – Sustainable Consumption Institute), Dr Patsy Perry (Manchester Metropolitan University), Hasna Kourda (co-founder of Save Your Wardrobe) and Prof Deirdre Shaw (University of Glasgow – Adam Smith Business School) among others.
We are going to take a couple of well-deserved months off from LFS, but we will begin planning in the summer for LFS2022. If anyone would like to be involved in next year’s summit, please do let us know, and we will find ways to collaborate and explore better futures.
In other news, our co-founder Olly successfully completed his fundraising challenge, running 288km from 23 March to 23 April, and raising over £700 for multiple charities, including Refugee Women Connect.
Olly also recently featured as a guest on the “Unbiased Label” podcast, hosted by Zara Korutz, to talk about issues of modern slavery in the fashion and textiles industry. You can listen to Olly’s episode here.
Once again, thank you all for helping bring LFS to life for another year. Follow us on Instagram and YouTube to receive the updates. We will keep in touch periodically – but for now, stay safe, be well, and keep pressing for change in fashion.