Alex Kirby-Reynolds

University of Sheffield, CDD

Sociological Studies/ Media and Communication, 2nd year PhD student

Thesis title: Brexit and Disaffection: Everyday Democracy and Experiences of Time and Feeling in “Left-behind” Spaces

I am a PhD student in the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield. Having obtained a WRDTP studentship award as part of the Brexit Aftermaths Network, my research engages with Leave voting communities and their everyday experiences of democracy, disaffection and the state. My research interests also include experimental and collaborative approaches to ethnography, particularly those that involve forms of media co-production. Prior to my PhD I previously worked as an independent consultant in the humanitarian sector.

As a forum member and as someone with ADHD I am keen on organising for wellbeing and fairness so that as students and workers we are not simultaneously overworked and undersupported in terms of mental, social and material conditions.

Outside of university life I aspire to mediocrity in climbing, strength sports, photography and film.