Online training


Online training
BYO computer, your house, your address


08 Jun 2021


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

AQUALM Accessible Qualitative Research: Reality and Practicalities

This Advanced Qualitative Methods training is open to all ESRC and non-ESRC funded students within the seven WRDTP partner institutions. Students are welcome from all seven interdisciplinary Pathways.

The concept of accessibility is fluid and within different contexts means different things. Nevertheless, the underlying premise is that an accessible product, service, environment or any other article should be used by as many people as possible however they encounter it. Accessibility within a qualitative research context carries extra complexity as it requires a synergy between the research design, ethics and participants’ everyday realities.

The session will focus on planning and implementation of qualitative social research – exploring how to turn a research design into a realistic, achievable, ethical and inclusive process. It will shed light on qualitative  interviews and focus groups with broader implications for other qualitative methods. Using the Inclusive Public Space project as a primary case study, the session will provide a practical approach to the key stages of qualitative research and the strategic considerations crucial for inclusivity of various participant groups (e.g., disabled or older people, people with chronic illness, children, parents etc.).

The session will involve a combination of interactive activities such as individual and scenario exercises, and group discussions.

Students attending this session will:

  • Get a better understanding of the concept of accessibility and its fluidity in the context of qualitative social research;
  • Recognise diversity of qualitative fieldwork- related situations;
  • Creatively approach the implementation of inclusive and accessible interviews and focus groups.

It is recommended that attendees access the following readings prior to the training:

Barnes, C. (2008). An Ethical Agenda in Disability Research: rhetoric or reality?

Schelbe, L. et al. (2015). Youth participation in qualitative research: Challenges and possibilities, Qualitative Social Work, 14(4), pp. 504–521.

This training session will be delivered via Blackboard Collaborate. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our online training sessions will be recorded and will be available on the VIRE in an edited format for those students who cannot attend. If you wish to join this session but do not wish for your contributions to be included in the edited VIRE resource, please ensure that you select NO when prompted in the online booking form regarding recording.