
Cantor Building: Room 9103
Cantor Building: Room 9103, Sheffield Hallam University, (City campus)


11 Jul 2023


12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Negotiating research relationships

This training is organised by the Education, Childhood and Youth (ECY) Pathway and is open to all ESRC and non-ESRC funded PhD and MA Social Research students within the WRDTP’s seven partner universities. Whilst this workshop is aimed at ECY Pathway students, PGRs from all seven interdisciplinary Pathways are welcome to attend.

This workshop is for doctoral students seeking to explore some of the complex matters associated with establishing, negotiating and sustaining relationships with research participants, gatekeepers and stakeholders.

Workshop participants will have opportunities to share, discuss and reflect upon a range of issues including:

  • Complex ethical issues
  • Online relationships
  • Researcher positionality
  • Building research relationships with potentially ‘vulnerable’ participants
  • Understanding the needs, challenges and affordances of different kinds of relationships in research

Workshop programme:

12.30 – 1.30 lunch

1.30 introductions

1.40 – 2.40 small group discussions of scenarios

3.40 – 3.10 small group discussions of pre-reading

3.10 – 3.30 tea/coffee break

3.30 – 4.00 session reflections and conclusion


Prior to this session, participants are asked to:

1) Read and make brief notes about the following article prior to the session:

Sikes, P. (2006) On dodgy ground? Problematics and ethics in educational research, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 29:1, 105-117, DOI:


2) Identify and make brief notes about a relationship-based issue or challenge they have encountered in their research. This could be an ongoing dilemma/challenge, or an issue that’s been resolved. Students will be invited to share their scenarios with other participants and are asked to attend to issues of confidentiality/anonymity.

Resources for further reading will be offered during the session.

This training session will be delivered face-to-face at Sheffield Hallam University. This event will not be recorded.