Online training


Online training
BYO computer, your house, your address


10 Nov 2021


9:50 am - 4:20 pm

Qualitative Data Analysis: Analytical Strategies for Qualitative Longitudinal Research

This Advanced Qualitative Methods training is open to all ESRC and non-ESRC funded students within the seven WRDTP partner institutions. Students are welcome from all seven interdisciplinary Pathways.

This one-day on-line workshop will provide an introduction to qualitative data analysis, drawing on the broad analytical principles and strategies commonly used by qualitative researchers, and applying them in the context of Qualitative Longitudinal Research. The interactive sessions will include two lectures and two workshops, followed by one-to-one research surgeries. A course pack, comprising power point slides and analytical data files, will be sent to all delegates before the course begins.

This course course is designed to equip doctoral researchers with the basic skills and knowledge needed to develop an analytical strategy for their qualitative research and to support them in in the analysis of their qualitative/qualitative longitudinal data.

One to one surgeries with Bren: There will be up to six 10 minutes slots held after the final workshop, which delegates can book in advance during the breaks. More details about how to book these slots will be sent out to delegates before the course.

Course reader

Neale, B (2021) The Craft of Qualitative Longitudinal Research. London: Sage: Chapters 8 to 10 on analytical strategies and practice

Recommended/ further reading

Bidart, C. (2019) ‘How plans change: Anticipation, interference and unpredictabilities’, Advances in Life Course Research, 41 (Sept).

Bidart, C., Longo, M. and Mendez, A. (2013) ‘Time and process: An operational framework for processual analysis’ European Sociological Review, 29 (4): 743-51.

Grossoehme, D. and Lipstein, E. (2016) ‘Analysing longitudinal qualitative data: The application of trajectory and recurrent cross-sectional approaches, BMC Research Notes, 9: 136

Gruber, H. (1981) ‘On the relationship between ‘aha’ experiences and the construction of ideas’ History of Science, 19 (1): 41-59

Lewis, J. (2007) ‘Analysing qualitative longitudinal research in evaluations’ Social Policy and Society, 6 (4): 545-56.

Maxwell, J. (2004) ‘Using qualitative methods for causal explanations’ Field Methods, 16 (3): 243-64.

Maxwell, J. (2012) A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

Mishler, E. ‘Models of narrative analysis: A typology’, Journal of Narrative & Life History 5(2): 87-123.

Pettigrew, A. (1997) ‘What is a processual analysis?’ Scandinavian Journal of Management, 13 (4): 337-48.

Ritchie, J. and Lewis, J. (eds) (2003) Qualitative Research Practice. London: Sage.

Saldana, J. (2002 Analysing change in longitudinal qualitative data Youth Theatre Journal 16 (1): 1-17.

Spiers, J., Smith, J. and Drage, M. (2016) ‘A longitudinal interpretive phenomenological analysis of the process of kidney recipients’ resolution of complex ambiguities with relationships with their living donors’ Journal of Health Psychology, 21 (11): 2600-11.

Thomson, R. (2007) ‘The qualitative longitudinal case history: Practical, methodological and ethical reflections’, Social Policy and Society, 6 (4): 571-82.

This training session will be delivered via Zoom. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our online training sessions will be recorded and will be available on the VIRE in an edited format for those students who cannot attend. If you wish to join this session but do not wish for your contributions to be included in the edited VIRE resource, please ensure that you select NO when prompted in the online booking form regarding recording.

Hourly Schedule

Workshop Programme

9.50am - 10.00am
Session One Log in
Welcome, introduction to the course, online protocols
10.00am - 10.45am
Presentations 1
Introduction to Analysis in Qualitative and QL Research
10.45am - 11.00am
Q&A for presentation 1 and briefing for workshop 1
11.00am - 11.45am
Workshop 1
Generating Temporal Insights
11.45am - 12.00pm
Workshop feedback
12.00pm - 2.00pm
Lunch break/ prep for afternoon workshop
2.00pm - 2.45pm
Presentation 2
Data Analysis: Working with case, thematic and processual data
2.45pm - 3.00pm
Q&A for presentation 2, briefing for workshop 2
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Workshop 2
Working with Temporal Data
4.00pm - 4.20pm
Feedback and final reflactions