Online training


Online training
BYO computer, your address


04 Dec 2023


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Doctoral Illumination – setting motivating and achievable goals in doctoral research

Completing a PhD is one of the biggest intellectual goals anyone can have set for themselves. However, goals this big need breaking down into more manageable targets that stimulate and keep momentum throughout the research process.

Setting achievable goals (and then achieving them) is an important part of self-management and accountability, feeding the important need for self-belief throughout the doctoral journey where ‘imposter’ syndrome can be rife.

By setting goals within a framework where motivation is clear, and by using reflective practice, the process of goal setting and working towards goals becomes a rewarding rather than a frustrating process.

Drawing on research into goals setting and achievement by Locke and Latham, and Oettingen,
this workshop takes a practical look at:
– What makes a good goal the importance of ‘owning it’
– What to do if you aren’t connecting with your goals
– How to build goal setting into reflective practice

Learning outcomes
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
– Explain the drivers of motivation in truly committing to goals.
– Apply an new approach to reframing success and failure
– Set, and work towards goals, within a reflective learning practice for their PhD that matches their personal preferences.

The workshop uses a blend of instruction, online collaborative methods and individual work.

This is an online training event. This event will not be recorded.