WRDTP student training & administration guidance
The WRDTP Student Training & Administration Guidance 2023_24 is a concise guide to your ESRC award at the Universities of Bradford, Hull, Leeds, Manchester Metropolitan, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam, and York.
Useful administration contacts
University of Bradford | Neil Turner | Admissions Office | N.Turner2@bradford.ac.uk |
University of Hull | Kirstie Skelton-Clarke | Doctoral College | whiterosedtp@hull.ac.uk |
University of Leeds | Shirley Yeadon | Leeds Doctoral College | s.yeadon@adm.leeds.ac.uk |
Manchester Metropolitan University | Tingyuan Yang | Directorate of Research & Innovation | doctoralfunding@mmu.ac.uk |
University of Sheffield | Kirsty Tolmay/James Peacock | Research, Partnerships and Innovation/FoSS Graduate School | pgr-scholarships@sheffield.ac.uk/fcs-pgr@sheffield.ac.uk |
Sheffield Hallam University | Dr Sarah Smith | Doctoral School | s.a.smith@shu.ac.uk |
University of York | Penny Briggs | PGR Administration | esrc-whiterose-dtp@york.ac.uk |
Navigating professional boundaries whilst studying
The WRDTP has a diverse postgraduate community. As part of your PhD training you will establish networks with academic staff and encounter staff in a variety of contexts both professional and social.
It is a vital part of the PhD process that you should be able to have regular contact with staff and to be able to engage with them intellectually. However, it is also important that where inappropriate conduct or behaviour takes place that there are transparent processes and clear guidelines that can be followed to protect both you and staff.
This concordat between the WRDTP institutions has been developed by the WRDTP in consultation with the Post-graduate researcher (PGR) forum to provide guidance on best practice with regard to professional boundaries for postgraduate researchers. It is not a replacement for formal guidance or Human Resource (HR) policies on conflicts of interest or equivalent policies at partner institutions which can be found on your home University website. The Students’ Union can also provide independent advice to PGRs on any issues that they encounter.
This concordat provides indications of best practice that we encourage staff and post-graduate researchers based at WRDTP institutions to observe. It is underpinned by the shared belief across the WRDTP that staff and PGRs should behave in a professional and respectful manner at all times and demonstrate exemplary behaviours and observe codes of conduct in their home institutions.
Open Access
The White Rose DTP is committed to ensuring the output from ESRC funded research is made publicly available. The UKRI open access policy can be found on the UKRI website, and ESRC funded Doctoral Researchers are expected to comply with the policy.
If you have any questions please email enquiries@wrdtp.ac.uk