
06 Jun 2024


1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Engaging with young people for social change

This training session is organised by the Education, Childhood and Youth (ECY) Pathway and is open to all ESRC and non-ESRC funded PhD and MA Social Research students within the WRDTP’s seven partner universities. Whilst this workshop is aimed at ECY Pathway students, PGRs from all seven interdisciplinary Pathways are welcome to attend.

This event will take the form of a conversation with two UNESCO chairs in youth and community engagement, Prof Mark Brennan and Prof Pat Dolan. They will share insights about how research with young people can make a difference in areas such as citizenship, youth activism and social justice. The conversation will cover different ways of engaging young people in research, and advice for doctoral students looking to work with young people to create positive change. The conversation will be followed by a Q&A session, in which attendees will be invited to ask questions to the two chairs.

After attending the course, students will

  • Understand research and programming around youth voice
  • Understand empathy as a foundational element to youth development and engagement
  • Understand the intersection of community, youth engagement, and social justice

The event will be hybrid. In person attendance is available for those able to travel to York, or alternatively you can attend online.


Attendees are recommended to read this 2022 special issue of Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, which was edited by the guest speakers:

This training session is being delivered in a hybrid format.

Part of this training session will be recorded.