Digital Sensory Methods
This training will introduce research students to digital methods of ecological sensing through key literature and hands on experiments with mobile sensor technologies. Participants will:
- Discuss key theorists and ideas in connection to affective-ecological research.
- Participate in field experiments that generate engagement in sensation using sensor technologies. These could include: lidar scanners, 360 images, air mapping and others.
This training may be of interest to research students who are seeking to develop conceptual and methodological knowledge and techniques around one or several of these areas:
- Developing digital-based methods (video, scanning, sensing) beyond conventional qualitative and documentary methods.
- Researching school or institutional environments with a focus on ecological approaches using other methods beyond voice, interviews, testimonies.
- Interested to know how to extend sensory ethnographic practices beyond phenomenological and multimodal paradigms.
- Learning more about modes of ethnographic collaboration practiced with mobile and sensor technologies.
- Wanting to develop methods that can work with non-representational theories around affect, sensation, entanglement.
Bookings are now closed for this event.
Please contact wrdtp-training@sheffield.ac.uk for more information.