Scheme details
ESRC studentships cover UK tuition fees* and maintenance at the standard UKRI rate. Current rates can be found on the UKRI website and are revised in January each year for the coming October.
*The WRDTP universities have agreed to cover the difference between UK and International fees meaning that overseas studentship-holders will not be responsible for covering the UK/International fee gap. However, please note that UKRI studentship awards do not cover visa costs, the IHS (Immigration Health Surcharge), flights and other costs incurred by moving to the UK.
WRDTP-funded students have access to a range of additional funding opportunities to support their studies and development. Further information relating to each scheme can be found below:
- Research Training Support Grant (RTSG)
- RTSG Top Up
- Overseas Fieldwork Expenses (OFE)
- Difficult Language Training (DLT)
- Overseas Institutional Visits (OIV)
- Company Internship Scheme (CIS)
What is RTSG?
All WRDTP-funded students have access to Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) funds during their doctoral studies. The RTSG can only be accessed during a student’s funded period – i.e. prior to your funding end date.
The ESRC provides the WRDTP with a notional allowance of £940 per annum per student for each year of their doctoral studies. These monies are not to be considered a personal allowance, but are pooled to allow for greater flexibility in meeting the needs of the student cohort as a whole.
The total amount of funding we provide to each DTP and CDT for the Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) and Overseas Fieldwork (OSFW) is based on a fixed amount per student per year.
We encourage DTPs and CDTs to consider the total RTSG and OSFW payments as a resource from which to allocate funds. This will be based on student needs and priorities, as well as on DTP or CDT strategy. We expect that this will secure more funding for individual students.
It is the responsibility of the DTP or CDT to make sure that funds are used responsibly. Each should ensure a process is in place for managing funds that meets the needs of their students.
The £940 figure is an average amount “calculated using a notional cost and an estimate of the average length of a studentship ” (from the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide).
Individual DTPs have the flexibility from ESRC to manage their total RTSG fund according to the needs of their cohort as a whole; some choose not to give students an annual allocation, or in some cases, a smaller fixed amount per person is awarded.
How does the WRDTP manage the RTSG fund?
For students funded through the WRDTP with a funding start date from 2024
The WRDTP will award an RTSG allowance of £800 per annum for Pathway award-holders starting their studentship from October 2024 onwards, for each year of their doctoral studies. This equates to £2,800 total over the PhD period for +3.5yr awards, and £3,000 for +3.75yr awards.
For AQM and ADA award-holders starting their studentship from October 2024 onwards, the allowance is £900 per annum, for each year of their doctoral studies. This equates to £3,150 total over the PhD period for +3.5yr awards, and £3,375 for +3.75yr awards.
For students funded through the WRDTP with a funding start date from 2017 – 2023
Pathway award-holders: From 2024/25 your nominal allowance for Research Training Support Grant funds will increase from £667 per annum to £800 per annum for the remainder of your funded period. You are also able to apply for additional RTSG funds, as required, via the RTSG Top-Up scheme
AQM award-holders: From 2024/25 your nominal allowance for Research Training Support Grant funds will increase from £888 per annum to £900 per annum for the remainder of your funded period. You are also able to apply for additional RTSG funds, as required, via the RTSG Top-Up scheme
If you do not use your annual allowance, funds will be rolled over to the following year and accessible until your funding end date – i.e., you won’t lose access to funds if they aren’t used.
If you take a leave of absence, your RTSG allowance for that year is calculated pro-rata, and extended (also pro-rata) for the commensurate period.
The WRDTP chooses to award a fixed amount to each individual, to allow students and their supervisors to plan for both the short and long-term, according to their own training and project needs.
The remaining funds are put towards the ‘pot’ for RTSG Top Ups, which students can apply for during our annual funding calls if they exhaust their annual allocation and require further support.
Some students may not use their whole RTSG, and others may require more than their allocation, so working in this way allows us to be flexible and better meet the needs of the wider cohort.
Eligible costs
The ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide contains further information about the RTSG, plus a list of eligible expenses that the RTSG can be used for. This list is not exhaustive, so if you are unsure, contact the WRDTP Link Administrator at your institution for clarification in the first instance.
The RTSG can also be used for travel expenses to attend WRDTP training and events, or to attend co-supervision meetings at other partner institutions within the WRDTP.
How to access RTSG funds
Research Training Support Grant funds are held by your university, and each department/school will have a different process in place for students requesting/accessing their RTSG.
We recommend having a conversation with your supervisor about the types of things you’d like to use your RTSG for. Once you have their agreement, you should then check with the Finance Officer in your department/school about any paperwork or processes you’ll need to complete and how to actually make the payments – for example if they have a credit card you can use.
WRDTP-funded students are also eligible to apply to the RTSG Top Up Scheme if their notional allocation has been exhausted (there are a number of additional funding calls per annum).
Masters students
Students in the Masters year of a 1+3/1+3.5 programme do not have access to their RTSG under their PhD begins, however they are eligible to request support for one-off costs relating to the following, via the RTSG Top Up scheme:
- Participation and/or attendance at academic conferences
- Attendance at external training events/workshops that will be of benefit in terms of developing research skills and expertise relevant to the PhD
WRDTP studentship holders are eligible to apply for RTSG Top Up funds once their annual RTSG allocation has been exhausted and if further funding is critical to the successful completion of the PhD.
Eligibility and criteria
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their standard RTSG has already been spent (or is already committed for other essential expenditure) when applying for RTSG Top Up funds.
PhD students undertaking the +3/+3.5 element of their award are eligible to apply for RTSG Top Up funding, which must be used prior to their funding end date.
The following categories of activities, items and equipment can be supported by RTSG Top Up funds:
- Fieldwork that is conducted in the United Kingdom. Additional funding is available for award-holders undertaking fieldwork outside of the UK (Overseas Fieldwork Expenses), for which separate arrangements are in place
- Attending conferences, training courses, summers schools and other similar events
- Undertaking language training courses prior to conducting fieldwork
- Reimbursing interpreters, guides, assistants and informants that are assisting an award-holder’s fieldwork
- Meeting the costs of conducting surveys and other data collection exercises, including printing and stationery
- Purchasing small items of equipment and consumables, such as cameras, tape recorders, films and cassettes
- Acquiring books and other materials not available through libraries
- Obtaining laptops and other computer equipment, where this is assessed to be essential to the completion of the award-holder’s PhD and cannot be directly funded by the award-holder’s host department/school or other sources (Please note: any equipment purchased in excess of £200 will remain in the custody of the WRDTP following completion of the studentship)
Students in the Masters year of a 1+3/1+3.5 programme are eligible to request support for one-off costs relating to the following:
- Participation and/or attendance at academic conferences
- Attendance at external training events/workshops that will be of benefit in terms of developing research skills and expertise relevant to the PhD
RTSG Top Up applications from Masters students will require a support letter from the student’s supervisor. The WRDTP will be specifically looking for supervisors to confirm that engagement in the proposed activities (a) will not detract from the student’s involvement in the taught element of their MA programme, and (b) will be of clear benefit to the student’s PhD research. In relation to proposed training activities, the WRDTP expects the supervisor to confirm that the training is not substantively available on the MA programme or within the student’s home institution.
What costs are not eligible for support under the RTSG Top-Up scheme?
- Basic IT provision, including access to desktop computing and printing
- Attending training events provided by WRDTP universities (these events are provided free of charge to award-holders)
- Core books, texts and other reading materials
- Subsistence (the WRDTP expects these costs to be covered by the student’s maintenance stipend)
Supporting documentation
Supervisor supporting statement: explaining how the additional funding is essential for the satisfactory completion of the student’s thesis, confirming that the student is continuing to make satisfactory academic progress and including full justification of the resources requested.
Costings document: outlining all necessary costs, with full details for each item (or estimates if the actual cost is not yet known).
If applicable
Travel: All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment, and students must ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. An approved risk assessment and travel insurance certificate must be uploaded as part of the application.
Presenting at a conference: A copy of the conference acceptance letter/email must be uploaded as part of the application.
This scheme is to be used to apply in advance for a contribution towards funding for overseas fieldwork expenses. The WRDTP is unlikely to be able to fully fund an OFE claim due to the limited funding, and will not normally fund OFE applications in excess of £5,000.
Eligibility and criteria
Overseas fieldwork must be essential to the successful completion of a student’s thesis and an integral part of the student’s PhD. Fieldwork must take place during the lifetime of the award, and studentships will not be extended to reflect periods in the field.
Only full-time PhD students undertaking the +3/+3.5 element of their award are eligible for this funding. Students in the Masters year of a 1+3.5 year studentship cannot apply for additional funds, and students cannot apply for, or access funds following their funding end date.
Part-time students can become eligible for an overseas fieldwork grant if they transfer for a fixed period to full-time status for the duration of their fieldwork.
Students can submit one application for OFE in the life of the award. Normally multiple fieldwork trips are not permitted, and the duration of an overseas fieldwork visit will not usually exceed 12 months.
The requirement for overseas fieldwork must have been outlined in the student’s initial funding nomination to the WRDTP, by their nominating department/school.
Students are expected to visit only one country, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that, if necessary, an appropriate visa is obtained.
Payment of any contribution towards the fieldwork costs will not be authorised if the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against visiting the country concerned.
Students may use their Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) to supplement the costs associated with overseas fieldwork, but this is entirely at the student’s discretion. Students are strongly encouraged to seek alternative sources of funding and give these details on their application.
Claims cannot include subsistence costs. The WRDTP expects these costs to be covered by the student’s regular maintenance stipend.
Supporting documentation
Supervisor supporting statement: explaining how the additional funding is essential for the satisfactory completion of the student’s thesis, confirming that the student is continuing to make satisfactory academic progress and including full justification of the resources requested.
Costings document: outlining all necessary costs, with full details for each item (or estimates if the actual cost is not yet known).
All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment, and students must ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. An approved risk assessment and travel insurance certificate must be uploaded as part of the application.
WRDTP students can access additional support to acquire or develop a working ability with a difficult language in order to carry out fieldwork (including UK fieldwork) or other parts of their research.
Support is in the form of a funded extension to the studentship – giving students extra time to develop their language skills. It does not cover the cost of courses or training resources (students can opt to fund these using their RTSG at their discretion, or RTSG Top Up funds) or overseas travel (for language training and/or fieldwork). If language training must take place in the field, the WRDTP would usually expect students to apply for DLT and OFE in the same funding call, and schedule their language training and fieldwork to take place consecutively, to reduce travel costs.
Eligibility and criteria
Only PhD students undertaking the +3/+3.5 element of their award are eligible for this funding. Students in the Masters year of a 1+3.5 year studentship cannot apply for additional funds, and students cannot apply for, or access funds following their funding end date.
Students are permitted to make one claim for DLT in the life of the award.
The requirement for difficult language training must have been outlined in the student’s initial funding nomination to the WRDTP, by their nominating department/school.
The duration of DLT should not exceed 12 months. Extensions beyond six months will only be considered if the student needs to spend an extended time overseas in order to obtain these language skills. Further guidance can be viewed in Annex 1 of the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide.
Extensions for difficult language training do not automatically attract overseas fieldwork funding. However, they may overlap, if for example, the student is required to undertake language lessons in the field.
If travel is required:
- Students are expected to visit only one country, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that, if necessary, an appropriate visa is obtained.
- Any additional funding will not be authorised if the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against visiting the country concerned.
- All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment, and students must ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. An approved risk assessment and travel insurance certificate must be uploaded as part of the application.
Supporting documentation
Supervisor supporting statement: explaining how the additional funding is essential for the satisfactory completion of the student’s thesis, confirming that the student is continuing to make satisfactory academic progress and including full justification of the resources requested.
The purpose of the Overseas Institutional Visits (OIV) scheme is to support and encourage the international engagement of ESRC funded students.
The additional funding is intended to provide applicants with the opportunity to establish research networks, to disseminate early research findings, to participate in seminars and other academic activities that are directly relevant to their research, or to undertake specialist research training that is not available within the UK. The WRDTP will not normally fund OIV applications in excess of £4,000.
Eligibility and criteria
As OIVs are intended to be an integral part of the student’s research training, any visit in the first year of the PhD must not commence within the first three months of the studentship period. Additionally, visits taking place in the final year of the studentship must be completed at least three months before the end date of the award and prior to the extension period being implemented.
Only PhD students undertaking the +3/+3.5 element of their award are eligible for this funding. Students in the Masters year of a 1+3.5 year studentship cannot apply for OIV funds, and students cannot apply for, or access funds following their funding end date.
Only one OIV application, to one overseas institution, can be made during the studentship period. Visits can last for up to a maximum of 13 weeks.
Successful applicants in receipt of a full studentship award will receive a paid extension equal to the period of time spent overseas, and will continue to be paid their maintenance stipend for the duration of the OIV. Part-time students will receive this on a pro rata basis.
Fees only students will receive an extension to their fees and thesis submission date only.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that, if necessary, an appropriate visa is obtained. Visits must not be undertaken if the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against visiting the country concerned.
Applications can be made for up to three separate visits to the same host during the course of the studentship as long as the total period of the visits does not exceed 13 weeks. In this scenario, clear justification as to why more than one visit is required should be provided.
Visits must involve visiting a Higher Education institution, or an organisation with a substantive research office outside of the UK.
OIVs are not designed to cover fieldwork expenses, and separate funding is available for overseas fieldwork expenses. It is recognised that under certain circumstances an element of fieldwork might be undertaken in what is principally an OIV – these circumstances should be clearly justified in the application.
Claims cannot include subsistence costs. The WRDTP expects these costs to be covered by the student’s regular maintenance stipend.
Supporting documentation
Supervisor supporting statement: explaining how the additional funding is essential for the satisfactory completion of the student’s thesis, confirming that the student is continuing to make satisfactory academic progress and including full justification of the resources requested.
Costings document: outlining all necessary costs, with full details for each item (or estimates if the actual cost is not yet known).
Host agreement: The main academic contact at the host university or research institution should provide written support for the proposed visit. This should include confirmation of the work plan for the proposed visit/s, details of the academic facilities to which you will have access, as well as your registration status at the host university or research institution during the visit period. Confirmation of support from the proposed host university or research institution can be provided in the form of an email.
All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment, and students must ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. An approved risk assessment and travel insurance certificate must be uploaded as part of the application.
The Company Internship Scheme (CIS) provides students with the opportunity to spend up to three months in a non-academic organisation within the public, civil society (voluntary) or private sector to work as part of a team involved with policy and practice development. Host institutions can be based in the UK or overseas, but students should bear in mind that support for travel and accommodation costs are limited to a maximum of £1,000 per month.
Eligibility and criteria
As a CIS is intended to be an integral part of the student’s research training, any visit in the first year of the PhD must not commence within the first three months of the studentship period. Additionally, visits taking place in the final year of the studentship must be completed at least three months before the end date of the award and prior to the extension period being implemented.
Only PhD students undertaking the +3 element of their award are eligible for this funding. Students in the Masters year of a 1+3 year studentship cannot apply for CIS funds, and students cannot apply for, or access funds following their funding end date.
Students with a studentship start date of October 2024 or later are not eligible to apply for CIS funding, as these awards already include an integrated, compulsory 3 month Research in Practice placement opportunity. For more details, please see this webpage.
Only one CIS application can be made during the studentship period, and visits can last for up to a maximum of 13 weeks.
Successful applicants in receipt of a full studentship award will receive a paid extension equal to the length of the internship, and will continue to be paid their maintenance stipend for the duration of the internship. Part-time students will receive this on a pro rata basis.
Fees only students will receive an extension to their fees and thesis submission date only, and can also apply for the above accommodation and travel allowance.
Claims cannot include subsistence costs. The WRDTP expects these costs to be covered by the student’s regular maintenance stipend.
International students should be aware that UK Visa and Immigration rules means that there may be restrictions relating to their engagement in this opportunity. For example, international students doing any (paid or unpaid) work outside their degree programme need to remain with term-time working hour conditions, i.e. no more than 20 hours per week. International students are advised to seek guidance from relevant local institutional contacts.
If travel is required:
- Students are expected to visit only one country, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that, if necessary, an appropriate visa is obtained.
- Any additional funding will not be authorised if the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against visiting the country concerned.
- All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment, and students must ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. An approved risk assessment and travel insurance certificate must be uploaded as part of the application.
Supporting documentation
Supervisor supporting statement: explaining how the additional funding is essential for the satisfactory completion of the student’s thesis, confirming that the student is continuing to make satisfactory academic progress and including full justification of the resources requested.
Costings document: outlining all necessary costs, with full details for each item (or estimates if the actual cost is not yet known).
Host agreement: The main contact at the host institution should provide written support for the proposed visit. This should include confirmation of the dates and the work plan for the proposed visit. Confirmation of support from the proposed host institution can be provided in the form of an email.
If applicable
Travel: All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment, and students must ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. An approved risk assessment and travel insurance certificate must be uploaded as part of the application.
Student obligations
Students must apply for additional funding in advance – retrospective applications for funding will not be considered under any circumstances.
Students must secure the support and authorisation of their main supervisor for their application. Supervisors are expected to explain how the additional funding is essential for the satisfactory completion of the student’s thesis, confirm that the student is continuing to make satisfactory academic progress and include full justification of the resources requested.
Students making an application to any of the WRDTP’s additional funding schemes will be asked to evidence their adherence to any relevant policies from their institution, by uploading the relevant documentation to the application form. This includes any relevant policies relating to the booking of travel and accommodation. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the policies of their institution are adhered to.
If an application for additional funding is successful, students may not change the dates or details of their activities without contacting the WRDTP in advance.
Once an application has been approved, no further monies will be awarded. Students are expected to manage their costs within the award envelope.
Students cannot repurpose any unspent funds without seeking permission in advance from the WRDTP.
Students must comply with their department/school’s finance procedures and auditing processes as required.
How to apply
You must read the guidance above before submitting an additional funding scheme application.
All applications for additional funding must be made in advance by the award-holder using the WRDTP Additional Funding Schemes Application Form. You can preview a list of the application form questions here.
Due to the form containing a file upload request, for security purposes you must have a Google Account in order to submit a response to the form. If you do not have a Google Account already, you can make one using an existing email address. Please see here for instructions.
Supporting documentation
The form requires the following file uploads:
Supervisor supporting statement (template here) | Costings file (template here) | Overseas travel – approved risk assessment and proof of travel insurance | Placement host supporting statement | Conference presenter acceptance confirmation | |
CIS | ✔ | ✔ | If applicable | ✔ | |
DLT | ✔ | ||||
OFE | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
OIV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
RTSG Top Up | ✔ | ✔ | If applicable | ✔ |
Please use the following nomenclature when uploading to the Google form.
- Supervisor supporting statement (template here)
- Costings file (template here)
- University policy documentation (for overseas travel, booking of accommodation etc. – combined into a single PDF document)
- Placement host supporting statement
- Conference presenter acceptance confirmation
You will automatically receive a PDF copy of your application once your form is submitted.
Please check your submission for accuracy and let the WRDTP Office know if any changes need to be made –
After you apply
Once received, applications are checked by the relevant WRDTP link administrator to ensure they are eligible for funding.
Applications are then reviewed by the WRDTP Manager on behalf of the Academic Quality Committee. Where appropriate, an applicant may be asked to provide further information and/or to revise the application as part of the decision-making process.
Outcomes are then communicated to WRDTP link administrators, who are responsible for informing the applicant. In cases where an application has been declined the reason for such a decision will be made clear to the applicant.
Where an application is approved for funding, the funds are made available to the student’s host department/school via the WRDTP link administrator. WRDTP link administrators will also action the grant extension for CIS/OIV awards.
Key dates
A call for additional funding scheme applications will be made 4 times per annum:
Call | Deadline | AQC Panel | |
1 | 23 September 2024 | 1 November 2024 | 8 November 2024 |
2 | 2 December 2024 | 31 January 2025 | 5 February 2025 |
3 | 17 March 2025 | 2 May 2025 | 9 May 2025 |
4 | 19 May 2025 | 27 June 2024 | 4 July 2025 |
Outcomes will be communicated via your university’s WRDTP link administrator, no earlier than 10 working days following the decision panel.