Online training


Online training
BYO computer, your house, your address


28 Nov 2023


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Climate policy and energy transitions

This workshop has been organised by the Space, Place, Environment and Liveability (SPEL) Pathway and is open to all ESRC and non-ESRC funded PhD and MA Social Research students within the WRDTP’s seven partner universities. Whilst this workshop is aimed at SPEL Pathway students, PGRs from all seven interdisciplinary Pathways are welcome to attend.

Linda Westman will present some of her recent work on climate policy and energy transitions.

Students attending the session will:
– Develop new knowledge and understanding of climate change, climate policy and the challenges around delivering just energy transitions.
– Develop knowledge of cutting-edge research on just energy transitions.

This event will be accessed via a Zoom link. Students who book onto this course will be sent a link before the event via email. Please note that this event will not be recorded.