Navigating the Journal Publishing Landscape
This workshop has been organised by the Wellbeing, Health and Community Pathway and is open to all ESRC and non-ESRC funded PhD and MA Social Research students within the WRDTP’s seven partner universities. Whilst this workshop is aimed at WHC Pathway students, PGRs from all seven interdisciplinary Pathways are welcome to attend.
The session explores the contemporary journal publishing landscape, focusing on open access and what it means for postgraduate researchers and how to avoid cloned and .predatory journals. Therefore, the focus is on the practical implications of OA for Postgraduate researchers and how to make informed decisions on where to publish, rather than how to write for publication. It will consist of a lecture on the current publishing landscape and its implications. Participants will be invited to work in small groups to evaluate a set of journals and what they offer to and expect of authors. The focus will be on journals on the field of health and wellbeing.
Learning outcomes:
- An understanding of how journal publishing has changed and continues to change with Open Access (OA) and what this means for postgraduate researchers
- Knowledge of the various benefits and challenges of OA for publishers and for authors
- Knowledge of types of OA
- Capacity to make informed judgements about where to publish (eg how to avoid cloned and predatory journals)
Ellen Annandale
Ellen Annandale is Prof of Sociology at the University of York. She is a Deputy Lead for the Wellbeing, Health and Communities pathway.
She is currently chair of Trustees of the Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness (which owns the journal Sociology of Health & Illness ) and former Editor-in-Chief of
Social Science & Medicine.
This event will be accessed via a Zoom link. Students who book onto this course will be sent a link before the event via email. Please note that this event will be recorded.