Branding information – Visual identity

The White Rose DTP supports many training and networking activities and events such as conferences, workshops and seminars.

These events can be led by pathways, departments or student groups. In these instances the White Rose DTP branding and visual identity should be used consistently and appropriately by only using approved templates, logos and wording. Templates and logos for the White Rose DTP visual identity are available to download below for use in event promotional material, handouts, signage and general communications.

If you are unsure whether it is appropriate to use the White Rose DTP or ESRC branding please contact us on


In some cases, White Rose DTP activities are specifically ESRC funded or for ESRC funded students only, in which case you should also use the ESRC logo.  Please see their visual identity webpage for downloads and instructions.  All ESRC students should acknowledge funder support on any publication or any other form of dissemination arising from their PhD.


The most commonly used templates are listed below but please contact the White Rose DTP office if there is a specific format not listed you require.  Simply download the template from the icon below, edit and save as document type.


All of the logos used in the White Rose DTP materials are listed below with how to access.

Always used in the top right hand corner of White Rose DTP only materials.
Always used in the top left hand corner of White Rose DTP/ESRC joint materials

Always used in top right hand corner of White Rose DTP/ESRC joint materials

Note: White Rose DTP member universities should always be listed in alphabetical order and the logos given equal weighting at the bottom of any materials (see Adobe PDF template)

Brand/Logo Colours

Dark blue colour: Pantone 541 (#003c71)
Light blue colour: Pantone 2995 (#00a9e0)


Word and Excel
Header – Calibri (Body) 14 point
Body – Calibri (Body) 11 point

PowerPoint and Adobe PDF
Title – Calibri (Body) 44 point
Text – Calibri (Body) 32 point

Academic Posters

If you are intending to exhibit academic posters at a White Rose DTP event or hold a poster competition, please ensure your poster preparation guidelines include the White Rose DTP logo and where to position it (see logo instructions above).  Similarly if the White Rose DTP event is for ESRC funded students only, the posters should also contain the ESRC logo (see ESRC and logo instructions above).

Contact Details

Always use the following addresses when publishing White Rose DTP contact details:

Twitter/X:  @wrssdtp (to join the conversation – #wrssdtp)

White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership
The University of Sheffield
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

Pre-Printed Resources available from the White Rose DTP Office

Subject to stock, the White Rose DTP may sometimes be able to provide a small number of pre-printed branded delegate folders, promotional leaflets, pens and a banner to support your event.  Contact the White Rose DTP on to check availability.