White Rose DTP PGR Committee

Student representation is a key part of the governance of the WRDTP. Student representatives help to inform the provision that the DTP offers. They provide a point of contact for, and advocate on the part of, their fellow students. The PGR Committee assists in informing the operations and development of the WRDTP. The Committee is chaired by the WRDTP Deputy Director (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and feeds into the governance structure via the WRDTP’s Training Group and Academic Quality Committee.

PGR Committee Members

Current PGR Committee members are listed below:

First Name Surname HEI Pathway Representative Email
Anuarita Mphwina MMU ECY Institutional anuarita.m.mphwina@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Paddy Smith Leeds CDD Institutional gy17pls@leeds.ac.uk
Yue Qiu York ECY Institutional yq828@york.ac.uk
Michael Adetu Sheffield WHC Institutional moadetu1@sheffield.ac.uk
Faith Ogala SHU WHC Institutional f.ogala@shu.ac.uk
Joana Kolo-Manma Bradford SCJ Institutional j.kolo-manma@bradford.ac.uk
Emmanuel Abalo Hull CDD Institutional e.abalo-2021@hull.ac.uk
Boluwatife Ajibola York CDD Pathway vcl510@york.ac.uk
Vacancy SPEL Pathway If you are a PGR student who is interested in this rep role, please contact Ryan Powell (Director, DTP) for informal enquiries (r.s.powell@sheffield.ac.uk)
Vacancy DCA (As above)
Margarida Borras Batalla MMU ECY Pathway margarida.borras-batalla@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Blanche Bai MMU SCJ Pathway 24853778@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Stephen Nachibi Hull SBE Pathway s.u.nachibi-2021@hull.ac.uk
Bekki Higgins Sheffield WHC Pathway rhiggins2@sheffield.ac.uk
Vacancy Stuart Hall Foundation If you are a SHF-funded DTP PGR student who is interested in this rep role, please contact Ryan Powell (Director, DTP) for informal enquiries (r.s.powell@sheffield.ac.uk)

Meeting dates in 2024/25

In 2024/25, the PGR Committee will meet four times, as follows:

Tuesday 3rd December 2024, 10:00am – 12noon (Online, via Zoom) (Welcome Meeting and Initial planning for 24/25)
Thursday 6th February 2025 10:00am – 12noon (Online, via Zoom)
Tuesday 1st April 2025, (in person, Room 3.18, Business School, Manchester Metropolitan University 11am – 2.30pm, with lunch at 1pm)
Tuesday 17th June 2025, (in person during lunch at WRDTP Annual Conference, The Wave, University of Sheffield, time TBC)

If you have anything you wish to raise with the PGR Committee at these meetings please contact one of the PGR Committee Representatives above.