Qualitative Methods Reading Group
The Qualitative Methods Reading Group is a new initiative in the WRDTP. Each month, Dr Jon Dean (Director of Advanced Qualitative Methods) will facilitate a one-hour discussion of a key classic or contemporary qualitative methods article or chapter.
Students should read the text beforehand, and come ready to talk about it in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. This is an opportunity to study a key text in-depth, and to learn from fellow PGR students.
The first few months’ texts were chosen by WR students at the recent Methods Showcase event. If there are texts you want to discuss in future, please come along and suggest them.
February’s reading is:
Oakley, A. (2013[1981]). Interviewing women: A contradiction in terms. In Roberts, H. Doing Feminist Research (pp. 30-61). Routledge.
This event will take place online only and will not be recorded.
Eventbrite bookings are not required. A Microsoft Teams link will be shared with our mailing list before the event.
Please contact training@wrdtp.ac.uk if you require any further assistance.